SammMar 23, 2022A Letter to Myself, on Diagnosis Day.Finally, don’t spend the next few years being angry. Don’t waste your days thinking about what could of or should of been.
SammOct 15, 2021We're Lifers. You see, we're lifers. This boy and I. Once a week. Every week. Forever.
SammMay 19, 2021Hoping for Someday.I feel like our world is just standing still. And I’m just going through the motions of life right now.
SammOct 31, 2020I have SMA.But every now and then, something happens or a thought crosses my mind that hits me like a wave.
SammOct 7, 2020Coopy’s Birthday SMA Awareness Fundraiser!For the rest of the month we are going to be selling these shirts as a preorder and donating the money to two different organizations.